Friday, October 22, 2010

Ven Diagram

-Believes that men willingly follow the ignorant manliness stereotype society gives to them.
-Believes that being a man is insulting.
-Believes that a man is ignorant due to the violence of sports and the way he is raised.
-Says nothing about the superiority of men to women.
-Believes that society has forced black men to follow the black stereotype given to them.
-Believes that black men have been more insulted throughout the past.
-Believes that black men are ignorant due to their ancestors lives as slaves.
-Believes that because a black woman was able to live with they're children, black woman are more able to raise a family then a black man.

Similarities of the two.
-Said in the article, black woman had it much easier then black men, due to the fact that a black woman could become a mistress to a white man if anything and we're able to surpass the slavery boundary if anything.
-Says that if women think they have it hard, that's nothing compared to being a man, having to deal these stereotypes and how your judged if you wanna do something different from the manliness view, like how Theroux wanted to be a writer.

Writing Citied
Marable, Manning "The Black Male: Searching beyond Stereotypes" Men's Lives 5th Edition. Eds. Micheal S Kimmel and Micheal S. Messner.
New York: Allyn and Bacon, 2001. 17-23. Print

Theroux, Paul "The Male Myth." Across Cultures: A Reader for Writers. 7th Edition. Eds. Sheena Gilliespie and Robert Becker.
New York: Pearson and Long Man, 2008. 101-104. Print

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