Friday, November 12, 2010

First Draft of Research Paper #1

The common man has long been seen as being ignorant and helpless when it came to politics and major issues occuring in this world, they either never had to power to do anything, or refused to do anything because they didn't find it important enough to waste they're time on. Yet, in the recent years men are becoming more and more involved in the politics of today. Men want to know what is going on around them, and who is running everything at the top. The men's magazine GQ "Gentlemen's Quarterly" for instance, has started publishing an increasing number of political articles in their magazine for the past few years, seeing that men's interests is started to involve politics in the recent years.

Gentlemens Quarterly in the past year has published quite a few articles relating to the horrors and the accomplishments caused by the men who run our politics, the magazine itself is trying to show the men of today that this is something you want to know, should know, and is important to know. Because by knowing what kind of person was able to be a success and not, we're able to not repeat the mistake of voting for the non-successful ones.

In "And He Shall be Judged (Donald Rumsfield)", we have an article speaking about the ignorance and incompetence of George Bushes secretary of defense, Donald Rumsfield. He was an ignorant men who was in charge of our military, and because of his ignorance, did much more then his fair share of mistakes. He was a man who wanted to be in control of everything, but at the same time, a minimalist, a man who didn't want to do anything that he didn't think was needed. Donald Rumsfield was a disaster. For an article like this to be published, it shows that men want to know what went wrong during the years of George Bush's presidency, they want to understand what kind of men we're leading our country and why we ended up with this recession.

In recent years, men have been more focused on what is happening with our laws, in this article "And Now A Word From The White House's Other Emanuel", basically, this article talks about an interview with Dr Zekebig, an extra senior counselor for the health bill plan. Who talks about the progress of the plan and that he believes changes are a part of good planning. Men don't want to sit around and wait for the universal health plan to come, they want to know exactly how it's going and what kind of person is in charge of it. They want to see the change instead of waiting for it to come.

In the october issue of GQ, an article was published called "The Prez and I (George W. Bush)" in this article, Draper talks about what exactly was going on during the Presidency of Bush in the whitehouse. Draper talks about the pressure the president went throught he changes which occured in him. How he started reading everything he could to get a grasp on what he could do to fix the problems which had been caused during his presidency. Again, men are intrugied in what happened during Bush's presidency, and this article talks about what was going on in the president himself.

In the november issue though, it seems that the focus has left the mistakes Bush has caused, and instead turned to our new president, Barack Obama. What kind of person he was, the things he's accomplished and the aura he has given out his entire life. Basically, he shows Obama in a positive light, claiming he is the first president since Roosevelt who is able to see things with the writers eye. Unlike Bush who gave answers without thinking, Obama is able to comprehend and analyze every situation. Men after reading about the faults of Bush, now want to read our new leader, I mean what better way to know how our President is then by learning about his past.

Robert Draper is a corrospondent for Gentlemens Quarterly and has been writing political articles constantly for Gentlemens Quarterly, every month there is at least one article from this man in the magazine, Robert is a man who has been writing about politics almost his entire life, and in the recent years, his number of articles have increased including a book he has written on George Bush's presidency. Because his number of articles have increased recently, it's proof that the interest of men have increased relating to politics in the recent years.

Draper, Robert "And He Shall Be Judged. (Donald Rumsfield)". GQ (May 2009) Octomber 15 2010. General Onefile. Web

Draper, Robert "Barack Obama's work in the progress". GQ (Nov 2009) Octomber 15 2010. General Onefile. Web

Mark, Kirby "And Now A Word From The White House's Other Emanuel". GQ (June 2009) Octomber 15 2010. General Onefile. Web

Draper, Robert "The Prez and I (George W. Bush)". GQ (Jan 2009) Octomber 15 2010. General Onefile. Web


  1. I. Content
    A.) Yes. Yes but needs improvement. State your thesis with camparison or reflection to masculinity?
    B.) The thesis is not clear, there's no reflection to the type of masculinity GQ magazine is trying to promote?
    C.) Not all paragraphs are unified with topic sentences.
    D.) Some paragraphs have no topic sentences to state what that specific paragraph is going to be about. He should examples and analysis' but to what? Not sure what the paper is trying to promote in masculinity???
    E.) The paragraphs are organized but needs indenting.
    F.) There are a few spelling errors, sentence fragments, and subject-verb agreements.

    II. MLA Format

    A.) Yes.
    B.)Some, yes.
    C.) Yes.
    D.) Yes, but missing secondary sources.

    III. Overview.

    A.) The draft has great context coming from sources but it's not being reflected to the thesis / topic sentence.
    B.) Reread your introduction, answer the task of how GQ magazine promotes a type of masculinity throughout 2009. Reread your body paragraphs and make sure you have topic sentences with references, examples, and analysis. Don't forget you transitions and how it reflects to the thesis which should state how GQ promotes what type of masculinity and WHY!?


    Please copy and paste this link to access google docs document which contains a copy of your first draft with my comments and points for this part of research paper.
